Product Details

Super Gro 250ml


Water is one of the basic fundamentals of life itself.
Super Gro helps make the most of water use.

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  • How is Super Gro Unique?
    Super Gro is a multi purpose surfactant that makes
    water “wetter”.
    Ensures optimal soil penetration.
    Reduces runoff and evaporation.
    Enhances the benefits of plant foods and fertilisers mixed
    with the water.
    Results in the plants making better use of the water
    provided to them.
  • How it Works:
    Acts as an emulsifier to disperse oils.
    As a wetting agent to lower surface tension of water.
    As a spreader for better plant coverage.
    As a sticker, which causes agricultural treatments to stick
    to leaf surfaces.
    As a dispersing agent to ensure particles of agricultural
    treatments remain in solution longer and spread
    more easily.

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